Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One of those days

*WARNING* Rant session following.

So I guess it didn't just start off this morning, but last night.
Joe gets home late because he went to a work dinner.
I'm already in bed dozing.
He comes in and wakes me up, with the intention to do the thing that married couples do.
Anyone who knows me (especially someone who's been living with me for 3 years) should know that I do not like to be awakened.
Its a very fragile thing my ability to sleep. I have what some might call intermittent insomnia, so if I'm sleeping, its kinda a special thing.
So he's riled up, and I'm pissed.
This is never a good thing.
I exercise the right that all married women acquire, the ability to deny.
He throws a hissy fit, and then I'm up for 2 hours, steaming and feeling a little guilty while the Mr. sleeps like a baby.
I get to sleep finally, but sleep fitfully because its 82 degrees in my house. (Don't get me started on that.)
Then get up at my usual 6 a.m.
While I have trouble most days finding motivation to go to work, today was worse.
Took my shower.
Couldn't find anything to wear.
Grab one of my 100 calorie bagels, and get out the door 5 min. later than I usually do.
Then I proceed to balance my bagel plate, and purse while I push the garage door closed and make a run for it.
No, we do not have a remote control garage door.
There is so much $hit everywhere in my husbands garage, that I'm dodging all sorts of wrenches, cords, and a shop vac. All the while trying to keep my bagel on a plate, and my purse from spilling out.
Low and behold, I duck under the door, must have been seconds too late because when I come up from my squatting position, the door hits me in the back of the head.
Not just a little swipe. But I nearly knocked the door out of the frame I hit it so hard.
So I'm looking around to make sure no one saw this ridiculous balancing act that ended in failure. The upside is... no one else on God's green earth is out at 7:15 in the morning, so the coast is clear.

Here I am, at least, in once piece, albeit with a few lumps.

Jeez I have a headache.

I wanna redo.


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