Friday, June 5, 2009

Lake Love

oh how i love to be out on a boat. any boat will do, jon, row, sail, bass, pontoon, yacht. if it floats, it works for me!
i grew up on the Delaware seashore. i was a beach girl through and through. summer weekends spent soaking up the sun, body boarding, and walking on the boardwalk.
but i will never forget the first time i was out on the boat. my dad had just bought this nice boat, and we were going to use it on our vacation at Crotch Lake(no joke), in Canada. the lake was full of clear, clean, icy cold water. there were lots of small rock islands you could dock your boat at, race to the top of the cliff, and cliff jump into the water. it was a wonderful time. we took the boat out every day, and i loved to sit on the front, legs hanging over the side. As my dad accelerated and we broke the plane, i closed my eyes and imagined i was flying. it was the best feeling in the world. the air was sweet and the sun shone warm on my face. i'm a worrier by nature, but i felt all my problems and thoughts of anything important just fly on out of my head as we sliced through the still water. the water calmed my spirit, and it still does, every time i get to go.
now i just need a boat.


  1. Wow Jen, gorgeous picture. I want to go back so bad. There's just something about that place, don't know what it is....but, thank you Don Claycomb. Remember how bad you didn't want to go? Maybe next summer we should plan a little family vaca. What think?

  2. that is an actual picture of crotch lake, by the way.
