Thursday, December 17, 2009

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

So after an interesting trip to the tattoo parlor, I've emerged beautifully scarred.

I got these tattoos as a reminder. To live and to love. Because we often times get so caught up in the groove of just existing, that we forget to live. And we are sometimes so hardened by experience we forget to show love. My grandmother had breast cancer, she's a survivor. And after my lump scare last year, I wanted to forever acknowledge the fact that people die every day of this disease, and it is imperative that we find a cure(hence the pink ribbon). Back in College I was involved with a Domestic abuse awareness campaign. The white ribbon was our symbol. Its important to be aware of the many types of abuse out there, and that they are all harmful.

I'm so blessed to be living, loved, and have the right to express myself freely.

And to all a good night.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Foot Cleavage

So, watching one of those stupid reality shows about "What not to Wear" or some fuey like that (you know the ones where you just zone out and turn off your brain) I heard her say 'Foot Cleavage' (and immediately I snapped out of my zombie state) and I was like "WHAT?!" And started giggling at the thought.


Foot cleavage.

It looks like little boobies.

So I took a pic of my cleavage today for everyone's enjoyment ;)


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Better Sorry than Safe

I have tried to live my life with the motto of "Better Sorry than Safe" or "No regrets". I have always thought that there is nothing worse than to think back on something and wonder what could have happened. I try to 'do'. I'm a doer. Especially if someone tells me I can't do something. Don't get me wrong, I'm just like every other warm blooded american that has a healthy 'will to live' complex. But 'living' is more to me than just breathing and going day by day in relative comfort. You need to get out of that comfort zone. And for me, its difficult most days. I am considerably shy, and I have that lazy gene in me that would rather sit at home and watch tv than be outside and getting into trouble. But I force myself. And in the end I feel like it was worth it....most days....
And I am extremely bad at continuing to do things that I am not naturally good at. Things I have to learn to get proficient.

I really want to learn a martial art. Jen and I have been talking about it for months. But I keep getting in this slump.
It will be hard.
It will be humiliating at times (since we will be in a kids class, probably with parents around)
It will be physically demanding, and time consuming.

Deep down though, I think it would be an amazing experience. One that I could share with my great friend.

I just have to force myself to do it. Get off my ass and do something worthwhile.
Just do it Melody.
Just do it.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Ideal Woman

When did society's image of women get so skewed?

Today on the morning news there was a story about a Ralph Lauren model who was fired for being too fat.
They interviewed her and she said she had no idea why she was fired. She was hired about 10 years ago at the age of 15 and she was about 5'11", 119 lbs! To those who don't know, that is probably about a size 4. Today she is 120lbs. But now she is considered too large. 120 lbs....

Oh lord, I think I might have a fit.

Back in the day women with a little meat on their bones were considered the most beautiful women.

Take Botticelli for instance. He painted some of the most iconic images of women ever. They were the opitomy of what was considered feminine.

I see a little pooch there, don't you?

And Marilyn Monroe, considered to be one of the sexiest women who ever lived...
a size 10!

WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIETY THAT WE idolize models who are anorexic skinny bean poles?


Monday, October 12, 2009

"money isn't everything"

I was talking to a good friend today about how i could have (maybe) made more money if i had pursued a career in singing, instead of doing bill of material editing in pryor, ok. He made the comment that 'money isn't everything.' Now i know he wasn't saying this to chastise me, but just to make his point that that's not what's really important in life. Which i completely agree with. Which brings me to my point: How come my wealthier friends always say things like that? It doesn't really make me mad, but i do feel like issuing a gentle reminder to those who have been financially blessed: that while money may not be everything, it sure makes life a whole hell of a lot easier! People who worry about paying all your bills each month will be able to understand this.


Monday, September 28, 2009

reveal thyself, coward

the worst thing about being talked about by someone else is when you don't know exactly who said the gossip. it's like having a faceless enemy, and the only thing you can do is keep living your life the best way you know how, and pray others won't judge you for it or misconstrue something perfectly innocent and harmless. it's interesting to me how relationships can be destroyed so easily on hearsay. of course, if that's all it takes to destroy a relationship, then i guess there wasn't much to it in the first place. interesting conclusion...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weird, I’m just plain weird.

So, I realized this morning that I have this weird habit of picturing the people around me in medieval times.
Yes, you did just read that.
I picture everyone around me in medieval times and wonder what they would be like.
Would they have survived?
Instead of the shop worker/laborer in our times, would they have been king back then?
I think this is rooted in the mere fact that I believe I was born in the wrong time period. So I guess I like to think on those times as much as any historian with an obsession. Also, I’m an avid reader, and have always had a proclivity for the medieval and renaissance periods.
So, while in one of my numerous meetings this week, and stemming from the fact that Jen has been gone all week (I might be going a little mad), I started fantasizing about the people being time-warped into the past.
Like this huge bulky shop supervisor. He isn’t fat, just enormous in proportion. His hands are gigantic, his stature is imposing. He’s not a bad looking fellow either, and I was thinking that if he were in medieval times he would probably be some sort of gladiator or famous warrior that throngs of women worshipped or men followed into battle to die with.
But here in Pryor, OK in 2009, he is a shop worker, nothing all that significant about him except perhaps the missing potential I see of him having lived a thousand years ago.
What am I in this fantasy of the past?
I think I would be either the puppeteer behind a politician of those times. You know, like Guinevere to the King Arthur. I would be the real brains and savvy behind the reign. (Ahem…Minus the little infidelity part with Lancelot…) Or I would be like Joan of Arc, and be a national heroine, with no holds barred, willing to die for my convictions.
But here in Pryor, OK in 2009, I’m a glorified secretary. Yes, I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m everyone’s gopher. But hey, you got a question about Excel, I’m your girl. (I’m just hiding the sword underneath my blouse.)


Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I'm taking this post to analyze myself today.

Its become increasingly clear that I have some sort of overcompensation issues. Its kind of like a feminine napoleon complex. I've grown seeking out the male dominated areas of life.

Not for some psycho-sexual reasons, but for the need to prove to myself and everyone around me that I can do as much, and/or, just as well, as a man. My father was the root of this, I just know it.

It started with me having to prove myself to him as being as tough/or as good as a son would have been. I sought out his approval and only seemed to gain a small portion of it by excelling at all things masculine. I worked outside with him doing manual labor, roofed, mowed, dug, climbed, built, and tore down. I was a tom-boy. This isn't a rare thing. I'm sure Jen can relate. Having a tough father, makes us tough. The few times I did receive some sort of praise, or attention was after I completed some arduous task that most would akin to a man's job.

Thus started my competitive nature. I had to excel. Nothing less would do. I absolutely hate not being good at something, most specifically sports. 11 years of soccer followed, tournaments and competitions monopolized my life. I liked to get dirty, let out aggression, and I liked to win. What else was there?

I then proceeded to get involved with the School band. I remember the day in 5th grade quite clearly. We all got to pick what instrument we would like to play for the next 7 years. All the girls in my class went to the lines for the flutes and clarinets. This automatically made me dislike them, because if all the other girls were doing them, then it was too easy.

I picked the line with all the boys. I picked the trumpet. The section that was 90% percent dominated by boys. Something down deep in me needed to conquer this as well, just so I would know that I was as good as the boys. There were never more than 2 or three girls in the trumpet section, even as it progressed into high school. I became known as the trumpet mama. And as I got older it seemed that being in Male dominated groups turned out to be in my favor. I not only got along better with guys than I did with girls, I also got more opportunities to date.

These weird tendencies died off when I got to college. I became more independent and got to know myself. I was more comfortable just being me, instead of trying to top everyone.

Recently I noticed that I am again trying to prove myself. I think it has to do with the situation I find myself in. I'm 24, been married for 3 years, and working in a male dominated profession. HVAC/Engineering/Production. My husband is an engineer, and I am constantly trying to prove to him that I am as smart as he is. Which probably isn't so, and never will be. But I hate feeling inferior. Especially when the wife is expected to clean the house, do the dishes, cook, and also keep a full time job, while the husband just gets to sit around at home after work. This is how Joe believes the world works, and its caused much distress on our marriage. He must like a challenge.

So I just recently got a conceal carry license, and just not two days ago bought a ninja 250cc motorcycle. I'm doing it again. I'm trying to be one of the guys. Lord help me... I enjoy it! I like my bike, and I like guns, dirt, and the lake, and comic books. I like camping out, and hiking and fishing. Why is it that these things are considered boy things?

I think I'm normal, and the world is F-ed up.

Okay, maybe not..... \m/

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Swamp Land

Seeing as Pryor is located in a lowland, pretty much every time it rains we flood. Which means that after a storm, or a drop in temp we get fog. *Cue the creepy music.*

This is what I was greeted with today when I drove into work.
Fog so thick you couldn't see more than 20-30 feet in front of you.
Humidity high, the consistency of soup.

It sets the perfect scene for a horror movie.
I like to imagine that as go over the hill with my car on the other side is an army of zombies. With Rotting flesh and trying to hijack my truck.

Me against the world.

Well, Jen's there too.

Me and Jen against the world.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The way to Jen's house is full of adventure.

Across the state is seems.

I took this photo a while ago on the way to Jen's house.

What do you see?

Look very closely.

You might need to click on the pic and open it up to see.

Yes...yes... it is what it looks like.

I wonder what it is doing there?

I like to think that perhaps it was how a wayward traveler found their way back home.

Like little bread crumbs, only clothing.

Wow, they must have been really lost if they were all the way down to the skivvies.

Oh, the Way to Jen's house.

Interesting indeed.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One of those days

*WARNING* Rant session following.

So I guess it didn't just start off this morning, but last night.
Joe gets home late because he went to a work dinner.
I'm already in bed dozing.
He comes in and wakes me up, with the intention to do the thing that married couples do.
Anyone who knows me (especially someone who's been living with me for 3 years) should know that I do not like to be awakened.
Its a very fragile thing my ability to sleep. I have what some might call intermittent insomnia, so if I'm sleeping, its kinda a special thing.
So he's riled up, and I'm pissed.
This is never a good thing.
I exercise the right that all married women acquire, the ability to deny.
He throws a hissy fit, and then I'm up for 2 hours, steaming and feeling a little guilty while the Mr. sleeps like a baby.
I get to sleep finally, but sleep fitfully because its 82 degrees in my house. (Don't get me started on that.)
Then get up at my usual 6 a.m.
While I have trouble most days finding motivation to go to work, today was worse.
Took my shower.
Couldn't find anything to wear.
Grab one of my 100 calorie bagels, and get out the door 5 min. later than I usually do.
Then I proceed to balance my bagel plate, and purse while I push the garage door closed and make a run for it.
No, we do not have a remote control garage door.
There is so much $hit everywhere in my husbands garage, that I'm dodging all sorts of wrenches, cords, and a shop vac. All the while trying to keep my bagel on a plate, and my purse from spilling out.
Low and behold, I duck under the door, must have been seconds too late because when I come up from my squatting position, the door hits me in the back of the head.
Not just a little swipe. But I nearly knocked the door out of the frame I hit it so hard.
So I'm looking around to make sure no one saw this ridiculous balancing act that ended in failure. The upside is... no one else on God's green earth is out at 7:15 in the morning, so the coast is clear.

Here I am, at least, in once piece, albeit with a few lumps.

Jeez I have a headache.

I wanna redo.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Jen and I are taking a much needed vacation.
We are going to a little Amusement Park in OKC, "Frontier City."
We are taking off a day of work, and going to live it up on some

No dogs, no work, no responsibility.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Random Thoughts

Coffee tastes like shit, why do we drink it?

Heels are like stilts. I feel like a sideshow when I wear them.

I wonder if there is a finite amount of pain in the world. If you take it away from someone, does it go someplace else? (Nurse Jackie, Showtime)

Why is it that even if I water my plants, they still seem to die; but I pay no attention to weeds, and they grow like trees?

Men can shave, looks good, not shave, looks good. Why doesn’t this apply to women?

My theme song has got to be the ALL AMERICAN REJECTS’ “Move Along.” --> Listen.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it… does is make a sound? (Jack Handy)

I wish I could make an invention as simple as the paper clip or post it and become a Millionaire

Underwear. We work all day trying to keep it out of our butt, but then someone goes and decides to make underwear that is indefinitely in your crack, and said this is attractive and we all believed it….genius, or just plain ridiculous?

I’ll leave you with that little tidbit….


Friday, June 5, 2009

Lake Love

oh how i love to be out on a boat. any boat will do, jon, row, sail, bass, pontoon, yacht. if it floats, it works for me!
i grew up on the Delaware seashore. i was a beach girl through and through. summer weekends spent soaking up the sun, body boarding, and walking on the boardwalk.
but i will never forget the first time i was out on the boat. my dad had just bought this nice boat, and we were going to use it on our vacation at Crotch Lake(no joke), in Canada. the lake was full of clear, clean, icy cold water. there were lots of small rock islands you could dock your boat at, race to the top of the cliff, and cliff jump into the water. it was a wonderful time. we took the boat out every day, and i loved to sit on the front, legs hanging over the side. As my dad accelerated and we broke the plane, i closed my eyes and imagined i was flying. it was the best feeling in the world. the air was sweet and the sun shone warm on my face. i'm a worrier by nature, but i felt all my problems and thoughts of anything important just fly on out of my head as we sliced through the still water. the water calmed my spirit, and it still does, every time i get to go.
now i just need a boat.

Response to "Friendly Dynamics"

So I was at home the past two days with a head cold of sorts. I lost my voice and figured I would be worthless at work anyway, considering the majority of my job is answering and returning Phone calls.
Can you imagine? *I answer the phone and all that comes out is a wheezy breath. The customer is confused and speaks up, "Hello?!" Then I respond with some heavy breathing....maybe I dial an S.O.S. signal.... either way it is Pretty Creepy if you ask me.*

While I was at home I was kind of preparing to see my old high school BFF. She had contacted me the day before I got sick (Tues) and said she wanted to hang out yesterday (Thurs). She lives in Minnesota and I haven't seen her for over a year. So I accept, of course, and go into cleaning mode. She's never been to my new house, so of course I want to make a good impression, so I clean like crazy, and make Joe mow the lawn. The day of the meeting I go home from work sick. I still plan on seeing her since I know it might be the last time I get to see her for years. About an hour before she is supposed to come over she calls me and cancels.

She said that her grandparents had driven in from out of town to see her, and she didn't expect them. So I understand and tell her its okay, but what I'm really thinking is.... "You cancelled on me last time." About 2 years ago she was in town again and wanted to see me, we made plans and then the day of she cancelled. So, there is some sort of conspiracy going on here.

I was, needless to say, depressed. Not only did I feel like perhaps it was an excuse, I wondered what exactly it was about me that she didn't like enough to make up an excuse not to see me. Why even contact me in the first place? My best friend from 7th grade until graduation... dumped me.

So while I was all depressed, I get a phone call from Jen. She called just to check in on me, since I wasn't at work again.

:) Just to check up on me.


So I concluded that I am just spoiled.

Spoiled to have a friend like Jen who I can say and discuss anything with. A friend who always follows through on her plans with me, (even if she might be a tad late.) A friend that I can BE MYSELF with, that I don't have to compete for coolest/craziest person with. A friend that calls me, just to check up on me when I'm sick.

Oh, you don't have one of these?

That sucks... cause its FREAKING AWESOME!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Everyone needs a little Whoopie

What were you thinking?
I was just talking about this cookie called a whoopie pie.

We live so far in the middle of nowhere, that we happen to have quite a few little Amish settlements around. There is a little Amish bakery, that I have dreams about sometimes, that makes these delightful little cookies. They are delicious. So moist they stick to each other, and filled with this whipped cream.

Mmmm, everyone needs a little whoopie now and again.

And yes....
that kind of whoopie too.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

friendly dynamics

it's funny how in life we go through rises and falls of's not like i intentionally try to be hot and cold with people, but it's amazing how much friendlier your casual friends become once you agree to go to lunch with them. but a few weeks later, there won't be much to say other than small talk...
here at rae, i have tons of casual friends. in fact, we pretty much speak the same conversational small talk each and every day. "how are you?" "what'd you do last weekend?" "that shirt's cute, is it new?" and my personal favorite "havin fun yet?"
i say the same thing to the same blandly curious people every single day.
but not when i talk to mel, and for that i'll be forever grateful. i will never take for granted having a true friend that i can trust with any and every secret thing under the sun, and be free of judgement. how many of you people truly have a friend like that?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Joe and I have officially been married for 3 years as of 7:15 pm last night.
To many, it may seem like we are still newlyweds.
To me, it's seemed like a lifetime.
Not in a bad way, its just hard to remember much before I met Joe.

This past weekend I went to Oklahoma City by myself for a personal shower/bachelorette party of a friend. It really made me reminisce about my wedding and the events that led up to it, also knowing my anniversary was just around the corner.
I drove to and from OKC that day by myself, so needless to say, I had a lot of time to think.

Marriage...what can I say about the institution?
It hasn't been easy. Jen knows this better than some, because she is my confidant.
As a girl we all think it's romance and beauty all the time; That we are going to be treated like princesses forever.
It isn't like that. I feel kind of like I should have been warned a little bit about the trials, and the difficulties that come along with a spouse.
Sure there are the wondrous days, laughing and spending time with your best friend and lover... but then there are the tough days, the deaths in the family, the money worries, the compromises and fights.

Its a humbling experience.

You learn to love someone more than you love yourself. That sounds like an easy feat, but in reality it isn't. You get out of bed to close the door at 4 a.m. for the dog, just so your spouse can sleep uninterrupted. You smile and nod to an undeterminable amount of boring talks about motors and mechanical things you can't even begin to comprehend. It seems like an endless amount of little nothings, but in the end they add up to be a love. A deep love that sacrifices.

"What Honey?!" She yells.

"Wawawawwawa"(His response in the background sounds much like the muted trumpet sound of the charlie Brown teacher)

"Sure I'll get you another beer!" She says, even though she's thinking he is much closer to the kitchen.

I wouldn't trade it for anything.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hurt, by Johnny Cash

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

Move Over Captain Kirk

So I know that most women would be swooning over the new James T. Kirk, in the new Star Trek movie. He's the ladies man, got the looks, and the dangerous attitude.

But Both Jen and I have to agree that we didn't think twice about him. The object of our attentions in this new movie you ask?

Why none other than SPOCK.


Its a little weird, this I know...but I found that every scene that he was in, made me like the movie that much more, and I even got a little breathless in one particular elevator scene where his student confesses her love for him, covering him with kisses. He doesn't move, but those actions spoke louder than if he had. I could feel the sizzle. (Afterall, his race isn't supposed to show emotion). But you could tell he had depths none of the others had.

Maybe is the ears.... or the cropped eyebrows.... or his obsession with logic....
but DAMN!
Move over Captain Kirk, SPOCK is the one for us.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A River Runs Through It

Our town of Pryor, is basically one big flood plane. Any excessive amounts of rain, end up in Pryor x 10. So 3-6 inches will cover acres of fields, and turn them into lakes. All the water from the Higher lying towns and areas around us, accumulate here.

On Friday, our work was flooded, and they let everyone go early.
But where were we to go?
All the major highways out of Pryor were all flooded.
All the minor streets in Pryor were flooded.
We were basically made to stay at home and stay out of the way of the rescuers.
We wouldn't want to make extra work for them afterall.
I was actually a little afraid in a couple of areas in my TRUCK...With huge tires and a lift. There were little cars in ditches everywhere, and submerged.
Sometimes it pays to have a big Ass truck.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Funny Poem Anyone?

Heels – A Rhyme
By: Mel

Staying upright is all about luck.
Invented by a man,
I am not a fan.
Its 8 a.m and my feet already hurt,
Just wore them to look good in a skirt.
Stilettos, Wedges, and Pumps,
Wanted to show off my lady lumps.
But at this rate,
Death is a possible fate.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Working Thru the Pain

There comes a time in every one's life when work becomes a must. Either you can't miss because your work will pile up so swiftly it will take you days to catch up, or you don't know what to do with yourself when you aren't at work.

When I'm home sick, all I can think about is the $hitload of stuff I'm going to have to sift through when I get back, and I'm actually a little guilty/ bored at home doing nothing.

I got to work this morning and the Migraines that I inherited from my mother surfaced this morning for the first time in about 6 months. I tried downing a couple of Ibuprofen, and Benadryl, and working for a bit. After realizing I'd read the same email three different times and couldn't comprehend anything, and cringing at the fluorescent bulbs and computer screen for about an hour, I decided to call it quits and go home.

Thus starting the never ending trail of emails to people informing them of my leaving.

When I get home I down an Excedrin- my last one- and fall asleep on top of the covers, fully clothed, in the dark bedroom for a couple of hours.

But then I wake up and all I can think about is this IOM I promised this guy I'd email out today, and the submittals that pile up when I'm gone. The pain is mostly gone, and the nausea is pretty much over, but while I'm in this drug induced type of numbness, I can feel the soreness way back in the back. I wiped off the smeared eye makeup that resembled Marilyn Manson at this point, and got back in the car to come to work.

My compromise is that no one better make fun of the fact that I'm wearing sunglasses inside.

I'm such a die hard.
No one question my dedication... ever....
Peace out...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Snow Flakes

Yesterday it snowed a good portion of the day. It wasn't quite cold enough for anything to stick for long, but the flakes were huge and gorgeous, like God had torn open a down pillow and feathers were falling to earth.

I'm not very good with a camera, (point and shoot is about all I can figure out), but I had Joe show me a couple of functions on our facy camera, and I went out and practiced a bit.

Here are the results.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

After much debate...

Napoli's won. i'm ready for an olive oil soaked loaf of bread.


it's a toss up...

Oh, which to choose? But one thing is for certain: nothing tops off a night of Tudor scandal better than this:

An Addiction

So Jen and I are addicted....
its devistating. It creeps into your thoughts,
and you can't get enough....
I see an intervention coming.

The object of our addiction, you ask?

After getting hooked on this show we have been reading all the novels from this time period we can get our hands on. Its absolutely facinating. We have already set a date tonight to have a Tudor marathon. We are going to eat at this little Italian place 'Napoli's' and then come back to watch the 8 or so episodes I have saved on my DVR. Man I love Showtime.

God help us.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

ranch nuts

so i'm sitting here again reading our blog, compulsively eating these damned kettle roasted ranch peanuts! i knew at walmart when i bought them for "Ben" i would be the one ending up eating them. on another depressive note, ben is losing weight left and right! i won't even say what his weight is because it just plain pisses me off. i haven't been motivated to lose weight like last year, due to a number of reasons. so here i sit, eating nuts, mad at myself.

home today

yes i was sick today with woman symptoms, so i called in. i spent most of the morning laying around, watching Stepford Wives and sleeping on and off. Ben was actually home today so after i let him sleep in we actually got to spend a few hours together! we opened a savings account finally, and settled our debt with the IRS. after Ben left for work i mowed my giant onion field of a yard, and MB came over with Mr. Steve to let him play with Finley. They did great together, and got along better than we could've hoped for. we walked them around the lake and then turned em loose in the back yard. They just left now, and Fin is plopped down on the floor by my feet here, exhausted. Now all we need is Miss Rip and we'll be set:) i loved having our boys play together and wear themselves out. hopefully they will sleep good tonight.
i feel weird when i'm not at work during the week, i kind of don't like it. i get depressed when i'm left alone too much...

Sick day

Jen took a sick day today.

So I'm bored out of my mind at work today.

Not that I don't have anything to do, its just that jen and I use the work email like texts or IMs.

We are constantly talking without being in each other's offices.

I'm pretty busy today. Not unusual.

Jen and I could pretty much single handedly run this place. We've both worked our way up from the bottom of the food chain here.

She started at the front desk, and I started at Filesupport.

Jen's working in Engineering now, doing Bill of Materials, she can also fill in for order entry, and coil entry, knows a lot about CAD drawings, and can go out to the stockroom and pick her OWN bills!

Now, I'm the guru for excel documents, administrative assistant to the VP of Sales, Parts Salesman, Sales Support, Service Support, Travel Scheduler.

Between the two of us, we cover nearly all the positions in the office part of the business.

We will be managers/VP's here at the rate we are going.


On another note, I passed my test last night at my Conceal Carry Class.

So after I shoot 50 rounds through my semi auto pistol, I'll have everything in order to finalize my license.

So the next time you see me, I will be packing...


On top of Jen and I deciding to take Karate here coming up soon, we are going to be some BAD ASS chicks...

Climbing the corporate ladder with nunchucks.... and black patent leather 4 inch pumps.

Watch out world.

Friday, March 20, 2009


we are so freakishly BFFF that today we both wore grey sweater/sweatshirts, wife beaters, and ball caps. people thought we did it on purpose!!!

Meeting Mel

Mel is probably one of the coolest chicks you will ever meet, certainly the coolest person i know. she carries herself with quiet poise and a bit of coolness, so at first you think she doesn't like you.
at least that's what i thought the first month or two we worked together at RAE Corporation. but i got her to laugh at my dumb jokes, so i figured that was a start. once we broke the ice over our mutual annoyance and disgust of a summer coworker, we discovered we actually had a lot in common. we both married pretty young, so we bonded over similar embarassing and funny situations we'd encountered in our marriages, and we were also able to lift eachother up whenever one was going thru a particularly hard time. plus, neither of us really had any close friends, and deep down we both were kinda lonely, so i think that cemented our bond even more. at any rate, we have gotten to the point where at least for me i don't think i could function without her in my every day life, or else i might fall into a deep severe depression. is that healthy? probably not.

Meeting Jen


I figured I would start out the Journal with the Story of how I met Jen. She and I will be writing this journal simultaneously. Try to keep up.

My husband got his first job out of college at a plant in Pryor, Oklahoma, in the industrial park. He is an engineer. RAE Corporation makes industrial A/C and Refrigeration Systems. We left everything behind and moved out here to start our lives as newlyweds.

The first time I saw Jen she was the receptionist at RAE, and I was coming inside to use the restroom (no joke). Joe had his final interview that day and we were running late, so instead of dropping me off, we only had enough time to go straight from the Norman Campus to the RAE job site. I stayed in the car. I knew it was going well when I had fallen asleep in the car and awoke 2 hours later and he still was inside at the interview.

But there was a problem, I had to pee.
I waited as long as I could, then rushed into the building, stopping at the reception desk.
I was mortified about asking to use the restroom in the middle of nowhere, and was afraid of making a bad impression for my husband with his wife in tow, waiting in the car.

It didn't make the situation any better when I come up to the reception desk and I see this really attractive women in serious business attire sitting at the desk. I was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops. I was just short of hoping up and down with the need to urinate. Jen was very polite though, and gave me directions to the bathroom.

Thus begins a beautiful friendship.
With urination...

Its tough finding a job in a farm based community when you have a Psychology college background. I couldn't find anything worthwhile. And ended up interviewing at the same company my husband works.

I saw Jen again when I came in for the first interview for File Support.
I was nervous, I hate interviews.
I asked to see Shelly, the HR manager at the time. She was in the middle of answering the phone, so I bit my tongue. Then when she asked for my name, I mistakenly thought she meant Shelly so I told her again, 'Shelly'. But she really meant 'my name'. I realized this after the word slipped out and corrected myself, but I was blushing like an idiot at that point.
I'm really shy, and I have this awful tendency to blush when I'm uncomfortable.

I interviewed and got the job regardless, but sometimes you dwell on the little things.

File Support was at the desk next to Jen. So we had a lot of time to get to know each other, but it didn't happen for quite some time.
I'm shy remember?...

The current girl at File support was ridiculous, she trained me. She had one of those personalities that never stops talking, and doesn't take hints. She once explained the layout of a 'parking lot' at her college campus, complete with a drawn out diagram. Who the HELL CARES where you parked at school!? Mindless ramble. Oh GOD, make it stop. In the middle of the drawings and ramblings I look over at Jen and roll my eyes, shes giving the same look.

We bonded from then on.