Friday, June 3, 2011

The Sun Will Shine Again

I came across a poem yesterday that really stuck out to me. It explains some of the thinking I've had over the past year and a half.

Let Go of The Past

Let go....
of guilt; it's okay to make
the same mistakes again.
Let go....
of obsessions; they seldom
turn out the way you planned.
Let go....
of hate; it's a waste of love.
Let go....
of blaming others; you are
responsible for your own destiny.
Let go....
of fantasies; so reality can
come true.
Let go....
of self-pity; someone else
may need you.
Let go....
of wanting; cherish what you have.
Let go....
of fear; it's a waste of faith.
Let go....
of despair; change comes from
acceptance and forgiveness.
Let go....
of the past; the future is
here ~ right now.

I've learned so many hard lessons over the past few years. I'm one of those people that always has to learn the hard way. I feel confident, however, that the mistakes I made yesterday do not define me today, and it was so hard to get to that point. Internalizing guilt and feelings and dwelling on past situations do nothing for your spirit and definitely don't help you develop as a better person.

All this to say it has hugely helped me to have a sounding board, a confidant, and someone who gives me tough advice and tough love when I need it most. Thanks Mel, you're a true BFFF.

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