Monday, February 10, 2014

Weird Sense of Humor

I might have what some people would call an inappropriate sense of humor.
I laugh at the most unfitting situations. The more unsuitable or weird the better.
Like church. I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I have in a quiet church service, trying to hold it back because you know your mom will bust your ass for acting up. It seems like the situations that call for humor the least are always the ones I can't help but laugh.

Thursday last week was an interesting day at work.
It was around 2:30 and I was filing some paperwork in the other Buyer's office.
The safety specialist goes running down the hallway, and I make a comment to her about "someone must have bumped their head", and immediately start to giggle at the ridiculousness of the situation, even though it probably means someone did get hurt. We hardly ever get a serious situation. Most are bandaid worthy. They make a page over the speaker system shortly after we are he-hawing in her office about having everyone come indoors and go to the breakrooms. This means there is an ammonia leak from the fertilizer plant next door. Instead of quieting down, I start joking about feeling the effects already and we laugh more. About this time, they make another page and tell us to evacuate the premises and drive north ASAP, and I finally have the good sense to shut up.
Emergency vehicles escorted us out of the industrial park.
I feel so bad for having laughed.

Jen gets my silly/weird sense of humor though.
Thats all that matters I guess.
I sent her a Valentine (Its from Game of Thrones):
Bastard Game of Throne Valentine

Our text convos are pretty awesome too:
British text

(Sorry Jen, I use the worst picture of someone in my gallery as everyone's profile pic on my phone.)
It makes it more fun/humorous to receive a phone call with a pic of Jen eating a baby ice cream cone flashing on my screen.

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