Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Dorkiness Knows No Bounds

So I pretty much came to terms with my dorkiness a long time ago.
I joke with people and say I'm about at the 85th percentile on the scale of dorky.

The comics, the social awkwardness, my laugh (that everyone comments on), the poor eyesight, lack of fashion sense, love of Star Wars, the list goes on.....

Looks like lately I've jumped up to the 90th percentile.
I went to the dentist yesterday, my 6 mo. cleaning.
It was time for the x-rays.
Seems they noticed a bit of change in the surface of my teeth and he tells me I must be 'grinding' my teeth, most likely while I sleep.
This doesn't surprise me, my mom has mentioned several times how she does that. Probably hereditary, just like the horrid migraines and poor eyesight I got from her. "THANKS MOM" ;) I have been having nightmares lately, I wonder if its related?
But then it hits me....
and I bring my hands up to my face as I ask the dreaded question....
OH NO....
"I'm going to have to wear a mouth guard or something aren't I?"
"You need to give it some serious thought, probably have to wear it at night," He says, sealing my fate.
He grins at my crestfallen response.

All I can think of now is that Katy Perry music video for "Last Friday Night." (YouTube it if you haven't seen it) She wears this hideous mouth guard/head gear in it. Ugh. I'm never going to get a date.

I also realized the dorkiness has gotten worse at work today.
Last night I made Spaghetti and meatballs, it was amazing, but I have a ton leftover (hard to cook for 1 person!) I brought it to work to eat for lunch since I'm swamped and wasn't going to take a lunch break.
I sit down at my desk, start to stir it up, look down at my PRISTINE white button-up shirt, and think, "The odds are never in your favor, this will end badly." I cross the room, close my door, and proceed to take off my shirt.
Yes, I ate my delicious leftover Spaghetti and Meatballs in my office with no shirt on.
I decided it was more ridiculous to walk around with sauce splatters on my nice shirt than just eat half-naked in my office.
Makes sense?
95th percentile it is...

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