Thursday, February 4, 2010

P90X Week One : HELL WEEK!

We finished basic training.

HAha, it felt kinda like boot camp.

But we made it.

We did our best to keep up with the people in the videos, but seeing as we were beginners, it was pretty much impossible.

However, I'm beginning to see improvement. As a result, I've just about made it to a smaller rung on the belt. Which is really impressive considering its had only been 7 days. I've been eating better also, and all in all I've slept better and felt better. I would really recommend this to anyone. However start small. Do the beginner program first.

See our week one conclusion interview below:


P90X Day One

I've been slacking on getting my videos posted on the progress of our P90X workout. Its tough to keep up on stuff like this when you have a full time job, workout for at least an hour following work, then have to make dinner when you get home.
I'm pretty much worthless in the evenings after all that.
Especially after doing my P90X.
See below, and ENJOY. \m/