Monday, December 20, 2010

Bloody Knuckles

Doesn't anyone remember this game?
I played it a few times when I was younger.
You lay your knuckles on the floor or table while someone flicks coins at them.
I have no freaking clue.
I think its a right of passage game.
One of those pointless things you do as a kid to test.
Kids are always testing.
Testing their will.
Testing their boundries.
Testing their friends.
Always just walking the line, until you decide what side to be on.

I just started thinking about this because I've noticed that the past few days i've had weird bruises and cuts appearing on my knuckles and hands, and don't know where they are coming from. The cuts could be explained away by the cold/dryness of the winter season. But winter doesn't bruise.
Its all just very weird.
I'm not hitting anything.
Or am I?
Perhaps I'm like Tyler Durden and at night my other personality comes to life and I sleep walk out of my bed and start Fight Clubs all over the country.

Meh, probably not.


1 comment:

  1. you should just put some of that foot cream i gave you with the shea butter in it on your knuckles! problem solved! :)
